Haeley Morin

Haeley Morin

Extension Field Specialist, Health & Well-Being
Nutrition Connections Teacher
Phone: (603) 796-2151 ext. 325
Office: UNH Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824

Haeley teaches income eligible families, youth, and seniors how to make lifestyle changes for better health. Haeley has a bachelor's degree in Nutrition and Wellness, and master's degree in Public Health, both from the University of New Hampshire. She has worked with Nutrition Connections since 2019. Her work includes nutrition education programs in Head Start sites, healthy living programs for adults and families at various community sites, and collaboration with community health organizations such as the local public health initiative, wellness committees, and food pantries throughout Rockingham County. In addition to direct teaching, she also works to manage the Nutrition Connections social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.