Laura Alimayu
*The office address listed at the top is the administrative mailing address.
- Hillsborough County Extension Office, 329 Mast Road Room 101, Hillsborough, NH 03303
Direct Line: 603-255-3611 ext. 812
Laura Alimayu is a Healthy Living Field Specialist who joined UNH Extension in April of 2021. She leads the UNH Extension Healthy Living Greater School Communities Initiative statewide as part of the NH SNAP-Ed and EFNEP programs. Laura intertwines this work with other UNH Extension programs, including the 4-H Healthy Living Nutrition pathway, and work by the Youth and Family Resiliency team, as well as with the work of state partners and external collaborators. Laura’s work focuses on school-based multilevel interventions that promote health and well-being.
Laura holds a bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Connecticut and a master’s degree in Education from Framingham State University. She is a Registered Dietitian and has previously worked for both the University of Connecticut Extension and the University of Massachusetts Extension. Her professional experiences have also included leading a before and after school enrichment program and opening her own licensed family child care business.
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- Suggested Reading List of Nutrition Books for Teachers
- Nutrition Topics
- Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
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