New Hampshire 4-H Beef & Market Steer

Resource Category Topic
NH 4-H Beef and Market Steer Project
The New Hampshire 4-H Beef Project is an exciting project that focuses on two types of projects: raising steer (castrated male cattle) for meat consum...
4-H New Hampshire 4-H
National Livestock Ambassador Program
The National Livestock Ambassador Program, hosted by Texas 4-H is a chance for 4-H members to serve as representatives for the livestock industry.
4-H New Hampshire 4-H
NH 4-H Livestock Auction - Buyer Information
Become a buyer and bid on Beef, Meat Goats, Lamb, & Swine farm raised by NH 4-H Members will be auctioned.
New Hampshire 4-H
NH 4-H Livestock Auction - Seller Information
4-H youth members who raise Beef, Meat Goats, Lamb, & Swine are invited to join us at the auction as a seller.
New Hampshire 4-H
NH 4-H Livestock Auction - Sponsor Information
Become a sponsor at the NH 4-H Livestock Show & Auction!
New Hampshire 4-H
New Hampshire 4-H Beef & Market Steer Shows and Events
State Events<br /> <br /> <br /> Beef Field Day<br /> 4-H Animal Science Bonanza<br /> New Hampshire 4-H Livestock Judging Clinic <br /> Mar...
New Hampshire 4-H
4-H Animal Project Forms, Fact Sheets and Resources
4-H Animal Project Forms, Fact Sheets and Resources
New Hampshire 4-H
Your First 4-H Beef Project
Congratulations on selecting a 4-H Beef Project! Beef Cattle can be lots of fun to raise and make a great project for all ages. If you are just starti...
New Hampshire 4-H
New Hampshire 4-H Beef & Market Steer Project Overview
The 4-H Beef project will open the door to many learning and fun-filled experiences. When you enrolled in this project, you became part of one of the ...
New Hampshire 4-H