Nursery Production Research

Resource Category Topic Type
Growing Woody Cut Branch Crops [fact sheet]
Introduction<br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> Cut branch crops are shrubs from which branches are harvested for their unique shape, color, flowers or f...
Location: Durham Campus
Greenhouse, Nursery & Garden Centers, Agriculture & Gardens, Landscape Installation & Maintenance Agriculture & Gardens Fact Sheet
Supplemental Lighting Run Time Worksheet
As supplemental lighting in New Hampshire greenhouses becomes more common, the question of &quot;how long should the lights run?&quot; becomes more co...
Greenhouse, Nursery & Garden Centers, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
Tree and Shrub Production Research
   <br /> <br /> Comparing Production Systems for New England Nurseries<br /> <br /> UNH and UMass researchers were funded by USDA to do an econo...
Greenhouse, Nursery & Garden Centers, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
Fertilizing Trees and Shrubs [fact sheet]
Why fertilize?<br /> <br /> Fertilizer provides a source of essential nutrients that plants need to grow normally and be healthy. Nutrients are also...
Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens