Commercial applicator category Shade and Ornamental Pest Control (G1) is a subcategory of Ornamental and Turf Pest Control (G). This subcategory is for commercial applicators who wish to use or supervise the use of pesticides to control pests in the production and maintenance of ornamental flowers, shrubs, and trees.
This page contains the required manuals and factsheets for Shade and Ornamental Pest Control (G1) commercial license applicants.
Not all of the study materials are available online, but all can be ordered in printed form.
Note: The Worker Protection Standard (WPS) manual is required for commercial categories only if pesticide-treated agricultural commodities are being sold.
Study Materials:
- National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual*
- New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules (Pesticide Pes 100-1100)*
- UNH Cooperative Extension Record Keeping Requirements for New Hampshire*
- Pesticide Setback Distances Brochure*
- EPA: How to Comply with the Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides *
- Ornamental and Turf (not available online)
- UNHCE Fact Sheet 12: Bronze Birch Borer
- UNHCE Fact Sheet 13: Birch Leaf Miner
- UNHCE Fact Sheet 14: White Pine Weevil
- UNHCE Fact Sheet 15: Twospotted Spider Mite
- UNHCE Fact Sheet 23: White Grub
- UNHCE Fact Sheet 29: Fall Webworm and Eastern Tent Caterpillar
- UNHCE Fact Sheet 37: Scale Insects
- UNHCE Fact Sheet 38: Spruce Gall Adelgids
- UNHCE Fact Sheet 39: Discula "Dogwood" Anthracnose
- UNHCE Fact Sheet 40: Conifer Sawflies
- UNHCE Fact Sheet 45: Dutch Elm Disease
- UNHCE Fact Sheet 54: Boxelder Bug
- UNHCE Fact Sheet 55: Cankerworm
- UNHCE Fact Sheet 70: Gypsy Moth
*Materials recommended for all commercial license trainings.