Parents have the awesome job of being their kids’ first role model. From day one, children look to their parents to learn just about everything. That’s why being a good food role model for your kids is so important. Grocery shopping, cooking, and mealtime are all great times to practice being a food role model for your family and to pass on your positive food attitudes and healthy eating habits.
Although it may be a hassle, taking your kids grocery shopping will help them learn great life skills. They’ll learn where to find the healthy foods that you buy on every trip, like fruits and vegetables, and which foods you only buy once in a while or on special occasions, like ice cream for a birthday party. These skills will come in handy when your kids are grocery shopping on their own one day.
Getting everyone involved in cooking is another way to be a good food role model for your family. Kids love to explore cooking and will have a blast spending time in the kitchen with you. This is a great time to teach them about food safety, like good hand washing habits and which foods need to go in the fridge. As an added bonus, letting your kids help with cooking makes them feel like a valued part of the family.
You can also be a good food role model while enjoying family meals. This is a great time to show your kids good table manners and polite conversation skills. You could talk about nutrition and encourage a positive attitude toward eating. Allow your kids to serve themselves and teach them about getting all of the food groups on their plate. Be a role model by showing them how you take small amounts at first and only take more if you are still hungry.
All of these are great ways to be a good food role model. Getting your family involved in grocery shopping, cooking, and mealtime will help your kids develop independence and become good food role models themselves. Bringing you family together over food is a great way to bond, enjoy learning and try new things together.