Tips and tricks for delicious, healthy dishes

A table of healthy Thanksgiving and holiday foods.

Don’t let the holidays spoil the healthy eating habits you have been working on all year. Although indulging in holiday treats may taste good, all of that heavy food has a way of making us feel sluggish and sleepy. This year, keep up your energy by using some of these simple substitutes to make your holiday meals taste great and keep you feeling great at the same time.

  • Use applesauce instead of butter when baking.
  • Use skim milk instead of cream or whole milk.
  • Spice things up with herbs and seasonings instead of salt and butter.
  • Bake or steam vegetables instead of frying them.
  • Use olive oil instead of butter in your mashed potatoes.
  • Use Greek yogurt instead of sour cream.
  • Use whole grain pastas and breads instead of highly processed white varieties.
  • Choose dark green leafy vegetables instead of iceberg lettuce.
  • Mix up flours when baking: use half whole-wheat and half white flour for recipes. 
  • Use avocado instead of butter or mayonnaise.
  • Use dried fruits or nuts instead of adding chocolate chips to holiday treats

After your holiday feast, start a new tradition by taking a family walk. The extra physical activity will help keep your spirits up for the rest of the season.