This brand-new 25-page guide provides an introduction to low tunnel systems, and shares lots of construction and management tips for low tunnel strawberry production, based largely on work conducted in New Hampshire. Kaitlyn Orde, who recently received her M.S. degree working on low tunnel strawberry production at the NH Agricultural Experiment Station with Becky Sideman, wrote this guide to summarize the available information about these systems and help growers interested in trying them on their farms. The Low Tunnel Strawberry Production Guide was co-authored by Marvin Pritts and Kathy Demchak, as part of a collaborative effort with the TunnelBerries team, a group of researchers from across the country that are working together to study various aspects of growing berry crops in protective structures. 

While low tunnels present some management challenges, they can increase crop quality and yields, and extend the growing and marketing season for delicate fruit. Check out the guide to learn more!