Anna Wallingford

Anna Wallingford joined UNH Cooperative Extension on Monday July 30, 2018 as the State Specialist in Entomology & Integrated Pest Management and a member of the Vegetable and Fruit Production team. 

Anna comes to Extension with strong background in research and implementation of IPM strategies. Anna attended Virginia Tech University where she earned a bachelor of science degree in horticulture and both a master’s and PhD in entomology. Her research focus has been IPM of apple and grape production in the mid-Atlantic and IPM of vegetable and ornamental crops. Most recently, she worked as a post-doctoral associate at USDA-ARS in Beltsville, MD, investigating IPM in vegetable crops.  She also is well versed in biology and IPM of spotted-wing drosophila (SWD), a major pest of fruit crops in NH. As a post-doctoral associate at Cornell University, Anna led a multistate SWD research team and collaborated with industry partners to develop novel deployment strategies for non-toxic repellents for management of this pest. 

In her role as Extension State Specialist in Entomology and IPM, Anna will work directly with colleagues and with the state’s agricultural producers to implement strategies for sustainable management of crop pests.

“We’re just thrilled to have Anna joining our team. She brings skills, expertise, and local knowledge that are a terrific fit for helping our NH agricultural producers, and her enthusiasm is going to be a tremendous asset to our group”, says Becky Sideman, Sustainable Horticulture Specialist and Chair of the Vegetable & Fruit Production team.

Anna is a New Hampshire native, and is excited to join our team in serving the needs of the agricultural community here in her home state.


Landscape and Greenhouse Horticulture Field Specialist
Extension Field Specialist, Landscape Horticulture
Phone: (603) 862-1601
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824