Where can you buy wildflower seeds?


People often ask where to buy seed mixes for planting wildflower meadows and pollinator habitat.  Listed below are some wildflower seed companies that specialize in meadow mixes and pollinator mixes and carry mixes suitable for northern New England. Most also sell seed packets of individual species.                                                                 

Prairie Nursery               Wisconsin            https://www.prairienursery.com

Prairie Moon Nursery     Minnesota             https://www.prairiemoon.com

Ernst Seed                     Pennsylvania       https://www.ernstseed.com

Vermont Wildflower Seed                           https://www.vermontwildflowerfarm.com


There are not currently many sources of seed from New England ecotypes and availability is very limited. A few places to check if obtaining local ecotypes is your objective:

Grow Native Massachusetts                        https://www.grownativemass.org/resources/nurseries

Wild Seed Project (Maine)                           http://wildseedproject.net

New England Wetland Plants                      http://newp.com/catalog/seed-mixes

Native Plant Trust              https://www.nativeplanttrust.org/for-your-garden/buy-native-plants/

Ask your supplier for the source or seed lot origin if that is important to you.


This list is intended to provide information and no endorsement of individual companies is intended, nor discrimination against companies not on the list. 


Nursery & Landscape Horticulture State Specialist Emeritus
Office: Cooperative Extension, Spaulding Hall Rm G36, Durham, NH 03824

Master Gardeners and Natural Resources Steward Volunteers
Phone: 1-877-EXT-GROW (1-877-398-4769)