We are asking NH Tree Fruit Orchardists to complete an on-line survey about accessing printed or web-based production information and support from Extension. Help Extension determine the most effective ways to get crop management information to you, the orchardist. One of our biggest questions: Currently the New England Tree Fruit Management Guide is only available via the on-line version .... is there a need for printed guide?
The survey will be used to help Extension decide how best to provide growers with information in the future. You may answer all, some or none of the questions, of course, but complete surveys will give more helpful results. This survey is anonymous. Survey results will be reported to grant agencies, administrators and the academic community in order to improve support to New England apple producers. All individual data will be kept confidential. It is very important that everyone responds to the survey truthfully.
The survey will be open until February 15, 2019. It should take 10 minutes or less to complete. The survey has more than one page - please hit NEXT at the bottom of each page.
Please click the survey link to start, and thank you!
If you have any questions please contact George Hamilton, Extension Field Specialist Food and Agriculture, at george.hamilton@unh.edu
And... Save the date!- March 5, 2019, will be the date for the New Hampshire Fruit Growers Meeting. More information to come.