Extension staff use their imagination
The UNH Stem Discovery Lab in Manchester is hosting a series of workshops, held April 10 & 17, on the basics of creating 3D models using Tinkercad. These workshops are a space for adults to explore the endless possibilities that Tinkercad, a 3D printer and a little imagination provide.
We caught up with Extension staff and asked them: "What would you make?"
Megan Glenn - STEM Docent Coordinator
I would design something that would hold a suction cup to the back of the shower caddy in my bathroom because, unlike normal shower caddies that come with this feature, mine did not. It swings from side to side every time I move a bottle of shampoo. Very annoying.
Sarah Grosvenor - STEM Education Field Specialist
My son wanted construction cones for Christmas to add to his collection of cars, trucks, trains, and blocks. He’s quite the builder! I had just purchased two 3D printers for the STEM Discovery Lab and couldn’t think of a better way to test them out than to make my son’s Christmas present. It took me about two days to make the design and print them. Now? My son has eight awesome construction cones.
Jonathan Ebba - Landscape & Greenhouse Field Specialist
I would make a device which attached to a greenhouse watering wand. This would allow a person with limited mobility to affix the wand to their forearm and grasp an attached handle in the fist. Watering professionally in a greenhouse requires dexterity, endurance and precise control, and an attachment to allow the wand to become an extension of the arm would make this task easier.
Emily Kerr - STEM Discovery Lab Coordinator
A replica of my dog, Gilly, because I can't bring her to work. She’s my sweet baby girl! How can you not love that face?
Stephen Meno - Community & Economic Development Field Specialist
I would 3D print a tiny home to help combat the workforce housing shortage in southern New Hampshire...Seriously. It's already starting to happen in Austin, Texas!
Jill Ketchen - Marketing and Communications
I would design a cat-proof cover for my bedside glass of water. My 8 month old cat, Prince, stuffs his paw into it every night. He doesn't even drink it. He just shoves his dirty little cat-paw into my water. Along the theme of curbing cat mischief, I would also design an anchor or clip for my eyeglasses. He bats them off my night stand regularly, and I have to blindly fumble for them in the morning. I suspect that he would quickly find a way to circumvent these solutions as he is a dedicated force of chaos, but it's worth a shot.