Thank you Robert Lafreniere from New Hampshire Fish and Game for being so accommodating to our NH Beach Profiling program this year! As you know we have several sites in the Hampton and Seabrook dunes which are habitat for the endangered Piping Plover. Collaborating with NHFG is a great example of how two organizations can work together to help preserve a resilient seacoast. Robert has a few words about the the plover season below and again a huge thank you to everyone involved.
"NH Fish and Game and Nongame program members have been monitoring the state endangered and federally threatened Piping Plover since 1997. Since the inception of the monitoring program there have been substantial increases in the Piping Plover population that nests along our limited seacoast. In 1997 there were only 5 nesting pairs throughout NH with only 3 successfully fledged chicks. Today in 2019 there were 9 nesting pairs of birds, 18 fledged chicks, 3 chicks still fledgling and an additional pair of birds observed un-nested. This is great news for wildlife managers and shows that this program continues to be successful in bolstering our Piping Plover population. A combination of increased public awareness, communication and wildlife management techniques such as symbolic fencing and predator exclosures all contributed to this great and potentially record-breaking year!
I'm very pleased at how this season worked out, as open communication and coordination between all parties involved led to a great year."