Merrimack County 4-H is looking for future and current leaders who would like to expand their skills and opportunities in the coming year. We are currently looking for members to join our County Youth Leadership Team.

Group of kids at target


The County Youth Leadership Team (CYLT) is a group of 4-H members who wish to take on a more active leadership role in the county. They participate as key youth leaders at county events, such as Presentation Day, Fashion Revue, Honors Evening and the Hopkinton Fair to name a few.  The CYLT also provides support to State Events such as Teen Conference and Teen Leadership Weekend. 

The CYLT is part of the Merrimack County 4-H Junior Leaders Club whose many goals are to develop leadership, citizenship and life skills, serving as an ambassador to the 4-H Program. Each month the Junior Leaders meet to discuss projects and upcoming events, such as service learning activities, county events, leadership opportunities and have the chance to develop and utilize their skills and talents to positively impact the lives of others.   


Each year 4-H teens in Merrimack County are invited to become part of the County Youth Leadership Team. Youth who wish to run for any of the following officer positions must submit their intent to run for office by sending an email with your name and officer role you wish to run for to the Program Manager at the Merrimack 4-H Office by June 1st. Once we have recieved officer nomination there will be elections held for the following CYLT officer roles. Terms begin September 1 and end August 31. Elections will be held in July. 


  • President:  The role of the President is to lead the County YLT program, enthusiastically and timely plan and develop meeting agenda’s, lead community service efforts, and coordinate fellow 4-H memebers to help all 4-H programs.  Conduct the 4-H meetings.  Provide overall guidance to the meetings.  Participate in all 4-H county events as requested.
  • Vice President:  Fill in as the President in their absence while also providing support to the subcommittees as needed or assigned. Participate in all county events as requested.
  • Secretary: Take notes of meeting discussions and decisions at all 4-H YLT meetings. In the event of being unable to attend a meeting, to coordinate an alternative to take the minutes of the meeting before the meeting date. Provide those notes to the adivors and group after the meeting through email.  Participate in all county events as requested.
  • Treasurer:  Provide a report of funds received and expended to each meeting. Attend all county events as requested.  Participate in all county events as requested.
  • Communications Chair: This role requires your participation in the Teen Commission planning committee that meets monthly and has overnights.  These meetings are done in-person and online.   As a Teen Commissioner, you will be required to attend the Teen Conference and participate in a leadership role.   This is a substantial commitment, and your advisors will work with you to help manage your time and county commitments. 


  • Must be entering Freshmen year of High School at beginning of term
  • Must be an enrolled 4‐H member and have participated in multiple aspects of County program as demonstrated through Candidate application and through 4‐H Staff approval
  • Complete necessary application package, along with the signed Job Description(s) for the office(s) you wish to hold. Must include evidence of Community Service Experience and recommendation from 4‐H Program Staff, and 4‐H Volunteer.
  • Each candidate is allowed to run for three (3) officer positions(only one position can be held at a time).
  • May only hold a specific position for 2 years, however, may hold other positions.
  • Agree to complete a 4‐H resume and participate in resume judging event before end of term.
