The NH Vegetable and Berry Growers' Association Annual Meeting was held virtually on March 27, 2021. We had a fantastic lineup, and these presentations are now available for you to view at your leisure by clicking on the title links below:

Postharvest Handling for Efficiency, Safety and ProfitChris Callahan from UVM Extension discusses planning an efficient and safe wash-pack area to minimize food safety risks and help growers set up efficient operations to sanitize and effectively remove plant and human pathogens. Also, four growers share their first-hand experience with washing/pack/storage design: 

  • Mark Fasching and Christa Alexanders, Jericho Settlers’ Farm, VT
  • Dave Paulk, Sassafras Creek Farm, MD
  • Benner Dana and Danielle Allen, Root 5 Farm, VT
  • Taylor and Jake Mendell, Footprint Farm, VT

Updates from UNH Extension. In this presentation, we hear from two new UNH Extension Specialists about what they do and in what ways they look forward to working with vegetable and berry growers in the region (Kenesha Reynolds, UNH Extension Specialist in Ag Business Management, and Muhammad Shahid, UNH Extension Greenhouse Management Specialist).

This also includes Perspectives from a Career in Agricultural Extension presented by George Hamilton, UNH Extension Fruit and Vegetable Field Specialist. George shares his insights and perspectives from his 30-year career as an extension educator working with NH’s vegetable and fruit growers.