Vince Noga

Vince Noga has joined UNH Extension’s Food and Agriculture team as the home horticulture education program manager at the Education Center in Goffstown. Vince is a 2003 UNH graduate with a BS in Environmental Horticulture.

Vince comes to Extension with a strong horticulture background, most recently, maintaining the grounds at Phillips Exeter Academy. Vince comes with experience in research greenhouses, at nurseries, and as a landscaper. He also volunteers in numerous capacities, including for the Waysmeet Center and Cornucopia Food Pantry in Durham, the Durham Conservation Commission, and Nature Groupie. Vince started his career preparing and analyzing research experiments as a lab technician at the UNH Macfarlane Research Greenhouses as well as at UNH’s Woodman Horticultural Research Farm.

“Vince has a passion for horticulture and an excitement for sharing knowledge,” says program team leader Amy Papineau. “He brings exactly what we need on our team, both in his horticultural expertise and in his enthusiasm for learning and educating.  I know Vince is going to bring new inspiration and creativity to our Home Horticulture program.”

In his role as home horticulture education program manager, Vince will share his horticulture expertise and passion with staff, volunteers and gardeners throughout New Hampshire. Vince will work with Master Gardener volunteers and Extension colleagues to meet the educational needs of the gardening public, answering the thousands of questions people ask Extension annually about a wide variety of yard and garden topics. Vince will also design and deliver educational programs, and develop educational content, to provide research-based information to Master Gardener volunteers and the state’s gardening public. 


Landscape and Greenhouse Horticulture Field Specialist
Extension Field Specialist, Landscape Horticulture
Phone: (603) 862-1601
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824