Especially during greenhouse seeding season, many farmers enjoy listening to the radio and podcasts to pass the time and learn something new. In addition to farming podcasts already in your download queue, UNH Extension invites you to check out our growing number of podcasts that are worth a listen! Click on the links below or search for these titles within your favorite podcasting app.

Shared Soil - Hosts Kendall Kunelius and Rebecca Dube create a relatable and welcoming space to learn and celebrate, that aligns with UNH Extension's commitment to expanding access, strengthening connections, and enhancing well-being for all. The podcast is dedicated to creating community, honoring challenges, and encouraging personal and professional growth for all people in agriculture. Visit Podcast
Farm Commons - This Minnesota-based organization focused on legal topics curated four podcast episodes for farmers in New Hampshire. Check out episodes 39-41. Learn how to avoid discrimination, choose a business structure or manage stress through paperwork. Visit Podcast
Granite State Gardening Podcast - This podcast is for gardeners, landowners and homesteaders in New Hampshire and Northern New England. Hosts share proven tips and solutions for your garden and landscape, giving inspiration and research-based know-how to cultivate confidence and success wherever and whatever you’re growing. Biweekly episodes feature plant recommendations, pest control advice and answers to listener questions, which are encouraged at Visit Podcast
North Country Fruit & Vegetable Farmers - This five episode mini-series focuses on farming north of the notches. Visit Podcast
Over-Informed on IPM - Extension entomologist Anna Wallingford, Ph.D., over-informs us on all things IPM. Episodes focus very specifically on a key pest of fruits or vegetables or a general IPM topic. Visit Podcast
Relative to New Hampshire - Step into the classroom and listen in while UNH students explore the underlying aspects of current issues under consideration at New Hampshire's State House. They delve into these issues and connect with experts through a scientific look at legislation. Topics include alternative energy policy, climate change, soil health and more. Visit Podcast
Understanding Produce Safety: The View from NH - Advice from farmers, regulators and others on how New Hampshire produce farms can better comply with Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) rules and regulations. Visit Podcast