• covered bridge in winter

The off season is not a reason to disconnect.  'Tis the season to connect, build relationships, be accessible and stay relevant.  Here are a few items to consider for a successful season ahead:

  • Evaluate your overall farm strategy!
    • Analyze what worked and/or did not work.
    • Determine what changes, if any, are necessary for the upcoming season/year.
  • Measure your Return on Investment.
    • Check your numbers!
      • Did you keep records? If not, here’s an important change to make for the upcoming season!
    • Was your season profitable?
    • What were your most profitable crops or enterprise?
    • Are there crops you should consider growing for the upcoming season?
    • What market(s) should you add or eliminate, if any?
  • Analyze your marketing strategy.
    • Did you have a plan to target new customers? Was it successful?
      • If not, what changes do you need to make?
    • Did you have a plan that targeted existing customers? Were you successful?
      • If not, what are the necessary changes to ensure repeat/loyal customers?
  • Are you considering new customers and markets for the upcoming season?
    • Utilize your off-season to identify the characteristics of your potential customers.
      • Consider customer demographic categories. Gender, age, race, employment status, household income, marital status, children, location, etc.
    • Determine the appropriate marketing channel(s) for your operation.
      • What market(s) will provide the greatest return on investment?
      • Do you have the resources to supply this market?
  • Do you have an online presence (website or social media)?
    • Take advantage of this time to engage with your online audience. 
      • Keep in mind, customer engagement & relationship building, builds customer loyalty.
    • Use your website and social media platforms to stay relevant and reachable!
    • If you sell your products online, take the time to update product list, product information, pictures, and so forth.
  • Take care of the Taxes
  • Renew Business Permits and Licenses.
  • Take the time to make repairs to farm machinery and equipment.
