Sustainability Awards celebrate individuals and teams across UNH who are making a difference

  • Faculty with awards
  • Staff with awards

The UNH Sustainability Awards program seeks to celebrate, spotlight and incentivize research and scholarship, curriculum development and teaching, campus initiatives and culture development, and external engagement activities and achievements that best embody the principles and practices of sustainability. The following UNH Cooperative Extension staff were recognized for their efforts and successes in sustainability.

Campus & Community Engagement

The Campus & Community Engagement category recognizes efforts to integrate sustainability into campus culture and community, and/or to extend sustainability knowledge and practice at the community, state, regional, national, and/or international level.

Zeanny Egea headshot
Staff: Zeanny Egea, Program Manager, Health and Well-being, UNH Cooperative Extension

As an Extension Teacher in nutrition, health, and well-being, Zeanny Egea co-led the implementation of the Master Wellness Volunteer program, educating volunteers on nutrition and health equity resources to promote healthy decisions in their communities. This program includes part-time and full-time employees, UNH students, retirees, older adults, and food access system workers, all of whom increase health knowledge and nutritional access among older adults and low-income families. 

All nominees for the 2023 UNH Sustainability Awards were invited to submit a proposal for funding to extend their sustainability work or projects. Zeanny Egea was also recognized with a 2023 Sustainability Financial Incentive Award.

Gabriela Bradt headshot
Faculty: Gabriela Bradt, Associate Fisheries State Specialist, NH Sea Grant/UNH Cooperative Extension

Since 2015, Dr. Bradt has led the NH Green Crab Project, creatively engaging the community and fishing industry around the invasive European Green Crab in the Northeast. Dr. Bradt’s work with aquaculturists, students, researchers, fishermen, and even a distillery has helped to create a market for the invasive crabs, a sustainable way to both create an industry and protect the existing ecosystems.

Amy Hollar headshot
Faculty: Amy Hollar, State Specialist and Area of Expertise Chair for Healthy Living, UNH Cooperative Extension

Amy’s work at the UNH Extension Health & Well-Being increases nutrition access and health equity statewide. Across the state, Hollar has overseen the prevention and management of chronic illness, the outreach of Extension Health & Well-Being policy, nutrition education, and food access, with a special focus on under-served and at-risk populations in New Hampshire. Hollar also leads the Nutrition Connections Program, which uses an equity-oriented policy to give low-income schools access to nutritious food.

Research: Emerging

The Research: Emerging category recognizes early-stage research projects that are in-development; emerging stream of research, pre-publication, data analysis, grant application/recently awarded a grant.

Youth Retention Initiative: Molly Donovan, former Community and Economic Development State Specialist, UNH Extension, Andrew Coppens, Associate Professor, Education Dept., Cindy Hartman, Associate Professor, Recreation Management & Policy Dept., Jayson Seaman, Associate Professor and Chair, Recreation Management & Policy Dept., Erin Sharp, Associate Dean, College of Health and Human Services, Sarah Jusseaume, Doctoral Candidate, Education Department

The NH Youth Retention Initiative (YRI), a research collaborative of the College of Liberal Arts, the College of Health and Human Services, and UNH Cooperative Extension, develops research and intervention efforts to support and expand quality education, workforce, and quality of life options in rural, economically vulnerable areas in New Hampshire. The YRI builds on youth development and family/community collaboration expertise to develop strengths-based insights and recommendations for policy and practice. The YRI aims to bolster New Hampshire’s outdoor recreation and tourism industries, while addressing youth outmigration from rural regions.

Sustainability Champions

Staff nominees are recognized for their work in advancing sustainability.

Nominee: Rachel Maccini, Lead Program Manager, Pesticide Safety, UNH Cooperative Extension

Rachel Maccini coordinates and delivers pesticide safety education to applicators across New Hampshire. This education program is instrumental in the application of organic and conventional pesticides to protect non-pest species, ecosystems, worker health and safety, and water quality.


The Sustainability Awards are awarded by committees. UNH Extension staff serving on these committees included:

Faculty Selection Committee: Shannon Rogers, Associate State Specialist and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Economics

Staff Selection Committee: Olivia Saunders, Associate Field Specialist of Food and Agriculture


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