Proceeds from the auction benefit 4-H’ers in need of financial assistance

  • People holding up photos

New Hampshire 4-H’ers enjoyed a special opportunity this spring: they got to display and sell their artwork through a fundraising event held at the Currier Museum of Art in Manchester. More than 50 people attended the auction, which raised over $6,000 for the CLOVER fund.

The mission of the 4-H Foundation of NH is to “cultivate and steward financial resources supporting all New Hampshire youth in belonging to the 4-H community, propelling them to reach their fullest potential as skilled, compassionate, and responsible individuals.”

The 4-H Foundation of NH believes that every youth should have the opportunity to benefit from 4-H, but there may be circumstances where a youth and his or her family need a little help financially to participate in 4-H activities. To address this, the foundation has created the CLOVER fund.

By creating a photography exhibition, 4-H’ers were encouraged to explore self-expression and creativity while practicing technical skills related to photo composition, resolution and lighting.

  • Girl holding up photo

Executive Director of the 4-H Foundation Avery Adam said, “The 4-H photographers were the stars of the evening! You could feel the energy and excitement each time a photo was sold. Watching the youth hand off the photographs to winning donors and sign their work like movie stars was heartwarming for all.  Families across the state will benefit from the funds we raised.”

Congressman Chris Pappas sent congratulatory remarks. “New Hampshire’s 4-H program has helped many generations of young people build skills that will last a lifetime, and I applaud the work they do each day to provide guidance and encouragement to our youth. The 4-H program provides a positive environment for our youth to try something new, foster curiosity, and hopefully discover a hidden talent. Hands-on projects in fields such as agriculture, health, and civic engagement allow them to explore their passions and gain tools they will use for the rest of their lives. Confidence and compassion built by experiences in 4-H inspire these youth to be the leaders of tomorrow,” he wrote.

Senator Maggie Hassan also expressed her support for the work of 4-H and the Foundation, writing, “4-H programs teach our children invaluable lessons about responsibility, entrepreneurship, and inclusion, as well as give them the chance to make friendships that will last a lifetime. I have fond memories of my own time in 4-H, and I will always be grateful that it was a part of my upbringing.”

Past 4-H Board Member David Bishop reflected on the evening, “The kids all did a great job, and it was sweet that several of them were willing and eager to sign their work afterwards. I will have to find a way to add the attribution and description to hang next to the picture in my office – just like at the museum.”

Jaime and Rose Koladish wrote, “The photo auction was a wonderful event to be part of and we left feeling so grateful for all that went into it.”

Thank to all who made this event such a wonderful success!

View more photos from the event

  • Group of children and adults


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