It is with a deep sense of gratitude we share with our community development partners that Mike Polizzotti has moved on from UNH Extension and has taken on an exciting role as Senior Economic Development Planner with Strafford Regional Planning Commission.
For the past two-plus years, Mike has served as the Community and Economic Development Field Specialist for Cooperative Extension in Merrimack County. In that role, Mike engaged communities and organizations in several community and economic development engagement efforts. Most recently, he worked with Dr. Shannon Rogers to lead the Downtowns & Trails Program in Hopkinton, the goal of which is to better connect the downtown to the community’s many natural assets—including trails and waterways—to foster vibrancy and support the local economy.
Mike also contributed to multiple major statewide efforts. As co-author of the New Hampshire Digital Equity Plan—aimed at ensuring that all people have access to high-speed internet, as well as the critical services they enable—Mike assessed digital equity-related needs and concerns from diverse audiences across the state to help shape the plan. To learn more about the New Hampshire Digital Equity Plan, view the report on the NH Department of Business and Economic Affairs website.
Mike also provided educational support to communities that received Housing Opportunity Program (HOP) Grants. HOP grants are aimed at helping communities address zoning and regulatory barriers to housing diversity and affordability. Extension worked with community leaders from the 63 HOP grant recipient communities to build their capacity to engage diverse community residents in the local housing policy process. As a result of the educational outreach, over 30 communities passed zoning amendments aimed at expanding housing opportunities.
Lastly, Mike co-taught the Strengthening Your Facilitation Skills Series, which has helped formal and informal community leaders hone their group facilitation skills.
Needless to say, Mike has had a busy two years with Cooperative Extension, and we will miss him. The good news is that he isn’t going far. In his new role with the Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC), he will coordinate their economic development engagement efforts and help manage the Strafford Economic Development District’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).
Please join me in thanking Mike for his contributions to UNH Extension and the state of New Hampshire. We will all miss his keen insights, his humor, and his excellent work. Thank you, Mike!