Cheshire County Office

Zuorski brings 15 years of youth development and educational experience to Extension
Astara (Aster) Zuorski has been hired as the new 4-H Program Manager for Cheshire County and started in June 2024. Learn More
Joy Ackerman - Always a Teacher Learn More
Many things ramp up in the springtime with 4-H, with a steady stream of things to do! 4-Hers explore new places, competed in county and state events... Learn More
“As my club learns more and more, I slowly run out of “new” knowledge to teach them.”
As our 4-Hers reach their teenage years, they need more. More opportunities to learn. More opportunities to share. More opportunities to connect. ... Learn More
Like many clubs, Switch’n Horns 4-H beef club in Cheshire county takes pride in being a long-standing tradition within New Hampshire’s 4-H community. ... Learn More
The Mechanical Madness 4-H Robotics Team in Cheshire county is hard at work, gearing up for their 2022 competitions! Now in the middle of their “buil... Learn More
The phenomenon of inosculation occurs when two individual trees growing in close proximity become joined. Learn More
4-H is Resilient at Cheshire Ag Days
Like so many things now, the 2021 Cheshire Fair looked different from usual but should be considered a success to all who were involved. A 4-H presenc... Learn More
Extension county foresters help citizens and landowners learn about and care for New Hampshire's forests, trees, wildlife and habitats. Because they'r... Learn More
Her work in Cheshire County and at the state level helped countless youth
Her work in Cheshire County and at the state level helped countless youth Learn More