Question of the Week

Now that the snow has melted I’m noticing lots of tunnels in my lawn. Are moles or voles to blame?
Now that the snow has melted I’m noticing lots of tunnels in my lawn. Are moles or voles to blame? Learn More
"A friend of mine suggested I get some worms that will “eat my garbage”. Will they really do that, and are they messy?" What you are referring to i... Learn More
Insects that look like stink bugs are showing up inside my house. What are they and what should I do to get rid of them?
Insects that look like stink bugs are showing up inside my house. What are they and what should I do to get rid of them? Learn More
Scale insects can be incredibly frustrating and difficult to manage. They are immobile for most of their life cycle and often avoid detection when the... Learn More
Growing plants from seed is fun and can be an antidote for the winter blues and cabin fever. It can also save you money and allow you to grow unique v... Learn More
The browned leaves and dead branches are the result of winter injury, likely sustained during the very cold temperatures we had back in January. Broad... Learn More
The Infoline has been getting questions about neighborhood skunk sightings around New Hampshire, and people are wondering if it's too early for skunks... Learn More
If you’re plagued by persistent moss in your yard, you are not alone. Mosses may be primitive and simple plants, but they thrive when given the right ... Learn More
Trees in the genus Prunus, which includes plum, are susceptible to a fungal disease called black knot. Trees infected with black knot have swollen, ha... Learn More
All of the leaves are still attached and are completely brown and dry. Is there something wrong with my tree?
All of the leaves are still attached and are completely brown and dry. Is there something wrong with my tree? Learn More