
Check out Informational Briefs on Using Demographics; Outreach & Engagement; Planning for an Aging Population and Land Use and Public Health. Learn More
There has been much success over the past two years with the NH Community Planning Grant Program in NH. The CPG Program provided competitive matching ... Learn More
Are you familiar with form-based code? This two-page article from Better Cities & Towns provide great insights to form-based code and "fine-tuning" th... Learn More
The International City/County Management Association released a how-to guide for supporting growth in a rural context. Learn from success stories in r... Learn More
Utilizing Permaculture Design Principles, the training is geared towards community leaders, planning board members, conservation commissions, landscap... Learn More
by William B. Leak, U.S. Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Durham, NH A field note is a report from "the field," based on observation and ... Learn More
A field note is a report from "the field," based on observation and experience. This is the first, in what I hope will be a periodic offering of New E... Learn More
Hello, my name is Keelin Berger. I am 13 years old and have been involved with 4-H since I was 6. When I was little I joined the Peppermint Ponie... Learn More
Understand how to conserve water before there's a drought
Understand how to conserve water before there's a drought Learn More