Family mealtime

When you think of “family mealtime,” what comes to mind? Maybe your whole family is sitting around a big table and the room is filled with the smell of a home-cooked meal. Everyone is happy and enjoying each other’s company. For many of us, however, this image of family mealtime may be more of a dream than a reality.

There are so many things, which pull us away from our families. TV, phones, social media, and our busy schedules all make sitting down for a family meal seem impossible. So what makes family mealtime worth the extra effort to make it a reality?

Studies show that eating just two or three family meals each week can lower your child’s risk of developing obesity and eating disorders. Family meals can also lower the likelihood of you child abusing drugs or alcohol. On the flip side, a few family meals a week can improve your child’s self-esteem, independence and self-confidence. And not only will family mealtime bring your family closer together. It will offer your children a deeper sense of security and stability in your home.

Let’s bring these benefits home to your family and make family mealtime a reality. Here’s how to do it:

Keep It Quick: Family mealtime does not have to take up a lot of time. Try having a snack as a family to get in the habit of eating together. Do meal preparation ahead of time so that a meal can be on the table quickly.

Do What Works For You: Is dinnertime is always hectic at your house? If that is the case, try eating breakfast or lunch as a family instead of dinner. Consider eating together on the weekends, or find a time that will work best for your family.

Start Slow: At first, try to fit in just one or two family meals a week. Once you get the hang of it, work you way up to family meals every day!


Get The Whole Family Involved: Grocery shopping and cooking as a family are great ways to get everyone excited about mealtime.

Make Meal Time Technology Free: Turn off the TV and put away your phones when eating a meal together. Use the mealtime to learn about one another and grow closer as a family.