Simple tips for bringing your family together,
no matter where you are

This time of year can sometimes make us nostalgic for seasons past. For some, the cold winter months make us want to stay inside, while others want to get out and play in the snow. Whether you prefer a cozy kitchen, an icy sledding hill, or a festive community gathering, you want to bring your family together and create strong, lasting memories. Here are a few free (or very inexpensive) ideas to help you do just that!

Stay cozy

When it is snowing hard and wind is howling, make some family memories inside.

  • Share a craft or skill: knit, crochet, sew or look up simple crafting projects
  • Have a family sing-along: turn on some music and sing (and dance)
  • Plan a movie night or watch family movies together
  • Cook and bake with your family: make a breakfast of family favorites, cook up a cozy lunch of grilled cheese and tomato soup, have a hot chocolate party or create a fancy dinner
  • Unplug and have family game night: Break out classic board games, learn a new card game or make up your own game
  • Cut out snowflakes and decorate the house
  • Read a book or listen to an audiobook together
  • Plant a terrarium or build a bird feeder out of a pinecone and peanut butter
  • Build a blanket fort and camp out in the living room
  • Plan a summer vacation
  • Phone or video chat with relatives and friends
  • Develop some questions and record family stories about years gone by



Have a winter adventure

Bundle up and get outside to make some family memories.

  • Plan a “staycation”
  • Enjoy the snow: have a snowball fight, build a snow fort, make snow angles or just catch snowflakes on your tongue
  • Go ice skating, sledding or tobogganing
  • Take a self-guided tour of local holiday lights
  • Go on a winter hike or a winter scavenger hunt and look for animal tracks in the snow
  • Freeze water balloons for a game of ice bowling
  • Have an outdoor fire and make s’mores
  • Go stargazing: Smartphone apps can help you identify constellations

Build community spirit

Volunteering in the community is satisfying, and it will help children experience the rewards related to helping others.

  • Volunteer together at a soup kitchen or food pantry
  • Shovel snow for folks in need of a helping hand
  • Volunteer with planning and organizing community celebrations
  • Bake treats to share with friends and neighbors 
  • Visit friends and family you’ve lost touch with
  • Clean out closets and donate old clothing
  • Invite your neighbors to a potluck dinner or dessert night
  • Invite the neighborhood over for a fire and s’mores