Kendra Lewis and goat

Physical distancing and not seeing friends, family and co-workers can be difficult, but we sure are grateful for the safety and security of home. With Extension offices closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, staff members are sharing how their work has shifted and why they are grateful for home.

Kendra Lewis

Youth & Family Resiliency State Specialist

Now that you are working remotely, how are you continuing to help New Hampshire residents? 

My team and I are working on creating resources for residents on topics such as supporting your family in a crisis, self-care and compassion, creating a sense of belonging when working with youth online and hosting daily mindful moments on Facebook Live. I'm also volunteering at a local food pantry.

What are you currently reading or what reading do you recommend in your area of expertise for those distancing at home? 

I've been reading a lot of articles from the Greater Good Science Center out of Berkeley. They have so many great (and pretty short!) articles all the time, but especially during this pandemic. Their newsletters and articles have great tips and resources for managing stress and anxiety during this time.

Are you listening to any good podcasts? 

I listen to "Stuff You Should Know," especially while I'm cooking or cleaning. I learn so much about random things! It's a great, lighthearted podcast and jam-packed with information!

Favorite at-home activity related to your area of expertise? 

I've enjoyed hosting the mindful moments with 4-H; it's an opportunity for me to slow down and take a breath. I also like doing yoga!

Favorite thing to do with your family at home? 

I live alone so I've had to get creative to connect with others. My favorite thing so far has been creating trivia quizzes on Kahoot for my nieces and nephews and their friends and hosting those on Zoom. The kids love it and it's a chance for me to connect and laugh with them.

Got a favorite meal to make? 

I love cooking! I don't have any particular favorite thing to cook; I just love putting a meal together.

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Office: Cooperative Extension, Nesmith Hall Rm 319, Durham, NH 03824