A part of the NH Woods & Wildlife: Live! Q&A series

Tufted titmouse on porch

On June 11th, Matt Tarr, Extension Wildlife Specialist, and Steve Roberge, Extension Forestry Specialist, were joined by Phil Brown, Director of Land Management for New Hampshire Audubon for a Q&A webinar about backyard birds. This webinar showcased questions from the audience as Matt, Steve, and Phil provided answers and resources to commonly asked questions. See the agenda below for time stamps of each topic. We've also linked some helpful resources about backyard birds below. You can also watch previous Q&As here.

Watch NH Woods & Wildlife: Live! - Backyard Birds


  • Introdutions (0:00)
  • Common birds you'll see this time of year (3:55)
  • Tips and resources for birding (8:25)
  • Weather and bird migration (12:30)
  • Bird feeders, seed, and bears (14:30)
  • Hummingbirds & sapsuckers (22:45)
  • Managing your backyard for birds (26:55)
  • House cats and birds (29:25)
  • How do you stop birds from flying into windows? (30:00)
  • What do you do if you find a baby bird? (33:45)
  • Woodpeckers pecking houses (40:32)
  • Can you attract whip-poor-wills to your property? (44:25)

Backyard Bird Resources


Extension Field Specialist, Forest Resources
Phone: (603) 862-3883
Office: Cooperative Extension, Nesmith Hall Room 224, Durham, NH 03824