Jeremy Delisle
Fruit & Vegetable Production Field Specialist
*The office address listed at the top is the administrative mailing address.
Physical Address
- Merrimack County Extension Office, 315 Daniel Webster Highway, Boscawen, NH 03303
Office: 603-255-3556
Direct Line: 603-255-3592
Jeremy DeLisle is a Field Specialist for UNH Cooperative Extension on the Fruit and Vegetable Team. His primary responsibilities are to coordinate and deliver educational programming and provide individual consultations for commercial fruit and vegetable producers in New Hampshire. He is also a member of the Pesticide Safety Education Program team.
- 2023 New Hampshire Fruit and Vegetable Crop Loss Survey Report
- Blueberry Leaf Rust
- Grafting Fruit Trees
- Prospective Buyer Guide 2022
- Pruning Trees and Shrubs
- New Hampshire Farm Products Map
- Soil Moisture Sensors [fact sheet]
- UNH NEWA-Compatible Weather Stations in New Hampshire
- Winter Protection of Roses [fact sheet]