Finding Local Healthy Food in a Crisis
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many residents are avoiding or limiting trips to crowded supermarkets. It can be difficult to know if certain products will be available at grocery stores because of high demand. “Staple” food items like eggs, milk, bread, fruits and vegetables are needed more than ever, as families prepare most, if not all, meals at home.
Connecting farmers directly with consumers allows for curbside pick-ups or delivery methods that maintain physical distancing, while providing local, nutritious food to New Hampshire communities. In addition to food essentials like meat, produce and dairy, farmers can list other offerings like cut flowers, hay, compost, seedlings, soap, candles and more.
Extension’s online map includes farm locations and contact information, farm-preferred methods for relaying product, marketing updates to the public (websites and social media accounts), payment options, alternative purchasing locations, purchasing incentives/food access programs (such as SNAP, senior discounts or veteran discounts) and product category listings.
For Farms
Farms and related companies that want to be included in the map should use the new site entry form. Those already appearing on the map may make changes by using the update a listing form.
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