
  • bobcat in the snow

Stewardship Through Science

We help citizens and landowners learn about and care for New Hampshire's wildlife and habitats. We provide wildlife and habitat-focused technical assistance, property visits, educational programs, field trips, volunteer opportunities and help coordinate financial assistance to landowners and others interested in wildlife conservation and stewardship.


Cover of grasslands brochure

A series of 12 brochures are available from UNH Cooperative Extension to help landowners learn about and help conserve important wildlife habitats found on their land.

Request a free set of Habitat Stewardship Brochures from the UNH Forestry Information Center at 1-800-444-8978, or by email (forest.info@unh.edu).


See all Habitat Stewardship brochures

Pollinators in New Hampshire, part of the Focus on Wildlife Brochure series

Do you want to know more about New Hampshire wildlife? 

A series of brochures are available from UNH Cooperative Extension and NH Fish & Game to help New Hampshire landowners and residents learn about and help conserve wildlife species found in their area.

Request a free set of Habitat Stewardship Brochures from the UNH Forestry Information Center at 1-800-444-8978, or by email (forest.info@unh.edu).

See all Focus on Wildlife brochures

Taking Action For Wildlife

Helping communities, conservation groups and landowners conserve wildlife and habitats in New Hampshire. 

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bear in a field

Dirt to Trees to Wildlife

A new online tool helps professional managers simplify the process of identifying opportunities to enhance wildlife habitats.

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moose in the woods

NH Coverts Project

Volunteers Working for Wildlife.

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group of people in a field

NH Bat Counts

 Citizen science volunteers monitor summer bat colonies to help biologists understand bat populations from year to year.

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bat flying over a barn at dusk

NH Rabbit Reports

Become a citizen scientist and help us learn about rabbits in New Hampshire.

 Learn More

rabbit in the woods


The 2024 NH Coverts Project Workshop was held from May 8-11, when twenty-two attendees from all over New Hampshire spent time in the classroom and in ... Learn More
From May 8-11, 2024, twenty-two conservation-minded individuals from twenty different New Hampshire communities gathered in Greenfield, NH for the 202... Learn More
Tour details harvesting and future county land uses, by Terri Munson, contributer
A guided walk was recently held where discussion covered the carefully deigned harvest of red pine that successfully released existing white pine and ... Learn More


The decision to purchase land can be one of the most important financial and personal decisions that you make in your lifetime. Whether you are purcha... Learn More
Pollinators are species that move pollen from one flower to another, fertilizing plants and allowing them to reproduce. While some birds and bats are ... Learn More
For every bird you see in the woods, there is something your woodlot is providing to meet its needs. Too much of one thing, or not enough of another, ... Learn More
Published 2016. Written by Diane E. Yorke, Project assistant, Wildlife, UNH Cooperative Extension. Concepts for the series were developed by David Lan... Learn More
Published 2016. Written by Diane E. Yorke, Project assistant, Wildlife, UNH Cooperative Extension. Concepts for the series were developed by David Lan... Learn More
A guide for community officials, planners, and natural resource professionals

A 25-page guide produced in cooperation with the Universi... Learn More