Farm Estate & Succession Planning

Resource Category Topic Type
Replacing Important Papers
After a disaster (including lost wallet or house fire), important papers may be destroyed, lost, or damaged. Following is information on how to replac...
Farm Estate & Succession Planning, Financial Planning & Record Keeping, Farmer Support Networks, Climate Adaptation Fact Sheet
How to Transfer Assets to the Next Generation [video]
Learn practical strategies for passing on your farm to the next generation in a way that minimizes taxes and keeps the peace within the family.
Agricultural Business Management, Agricultural Law & Taxation, Farm Estate & Succession Planning Agriculture & Gardens Video
Prenuptial Agreements [video]
See why prenuptial agreements aren’t just for the rich or famous—they can be a smart move for farmers who want to protect their assets and keep the fa...
Agricultural Business Management, Agricultural Law & Taxation, Farm Estate & Succession Planning Agriculture & Gardens Video
Medicaid Look-back and Disqualification Periods [video]
Find out how Medicaid planning impacts your farm assets, what you need to know about look-back periods and disqualification rules, and how to plan acc...
Agricultural Business Management, Agricultural Law & Taxation, Farm Estate & Succession Planning Agriculture & Gardens Video
What is Probate Court? [video]
We’ll demystify the probate process, explaining why it can be lengthy and costly and how to plan to avoid it for a smoother transition of your farm.
Agricultural Business Management, Agricultural Law & Taxation, Farm Estate & Succession Planning Agriculture & Gardens Video
Putting Your Assets into a Trust [video]
Understand why simply creating a trust isn’t enough and learn how to correctly transfer your farm assets into a trust to ensure it serves its purpose.
Agricultural Business Management, Agricultural Law & Taxation, Farm Estate & Succession Planning Agriculture & Gardens Video
Revocable vs. Irrevocable Trusts [video]
Confused about which type of trust might be right for you? We’ll explain the differences, benefits, and potential downsides of each, so you can decide...
Agricultural Business Management, Agricultural Law & Taxation, Farm Estate & Succession Planning Agriculture & Gardens Video
Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) [video]
Discover how an LLC can protect your farm from personal liability, provide flexibility in ownership, and simplify the transfer of assets to your heirs...
Agricultural Business Management, Agricultural Law & Taxation, Farm Estate & Succession Planning Agriculture & Gardens Video
Last Wills and Testaments and Trusts [video]
This video starts with the essentials of estate planning —what’s the difference between a will and a trust, and why are these documents so important f...
Agricultural Business Management, Agricultural Law & Taxation, Farm Estate & Succession Planning Agriculture & Gardens Video
NH Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Impact Report: Addressing the Root Causes of Stress, Mental Health, and Suicide in the Farming Community
Our Farmers are Struggling, Farmer mental health challenges can result in loss of life, reduced ability to perform farm duties, lowered farmer quality...
Agriculture & Gardens, Agricultural Business Management, Agricultural Law & Taxation, Agricultural Marketing & Sales, Farm Estate & Succession Planning, Financial Planning & Record Keeping, Labor & Personnel Training, Farmer Support Networks, NH Farm Network, Women in Agriculture, Health & Well-Being, Health & Well-Being, Mental Health First Aid® Health Research Report