
Resource Category Topic Type
Research Report: Overwintering onions, 2014 to 2015
Fall-planted onions can survive well in low tunnels to produce very early spring bulbed onions. In this study, we evaluated several different…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops vegetable crops Research Report
Research Report: High tunnel pepper variety trial, 2015-2017
In the growing seasons of 2015-2017, we evaluated several varieties of greenhouse pepper varieties under unheated high tunnel production conditions.…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops vegetable crops Research Report
Research Report: Winter spinach production in high tunnels, 2014 to 2016
Spinach is a suitable crop for winter production in New Hampshire due to its ability to continue producing saleable leaves at very low-temperatures.
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops vegetable crops Research Report
Research Report: Seedless table grape variety and training system evaluation, 2019
Several hardy seedless grape cultivars have been released within the last few decades. We have recently planted a research vineyard at the…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops Berry Crops Research Report
Research Report: Managing cabbage aphid in Brussels sprout, 2016
From 2013 to 2015, we performed experiments comparing different varieties of Brussels sprouts as well as different topping practices. During these…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops vegetable crops Research Report
Research Report: Low input weed management of wild blueberries, 2014 to 2016
Effective weed management in wild blueberry can be challenging for the organic and low-input grower. Semi-annual burning and mowing will control…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops Berry Crops Research Report
Research Report: Overwintering scallions with heavy rowcover, 2017
After several years of research, we know that it is possible to plant bulbing onion (Allium cepa) in the fall, overwinter them in low tunnels, and…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops vegetable crops Research Report
2018-19 New England Vegetable Management Guide
Extension specialists throughout the region collaboratively publish this guide, to provide information on pest and cultural management of vegetable…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops vegetable crops
2019-20 New England Small Fruit Management Guide
Extension specialists throughout the region collaboratively publish this guide, to provide information on pest and cultural management of small fruit…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops Berry Crops Guide
Hornworms on Tomatoes in New Hampshire [fact sheet]
We have two species of hornworms that feed on tomato foliage (occasionally the fruit) in New Hampshire. The most common by far is the tobacco…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Yard & Garden vegetable crops Fact Sheet
Growing Garlic in New Hampshire [fact sheet]
Garlic is one of the easiest and most satisfying crops for home vegetable gardeners to grow. It yields two useful crops; the garlic bulbs themselves…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Yard & Garden vegetable crops Fact Sheet
Raspberry Cane Maggot [fact sheet]
Pegomya rubivora (Coquillett) Sometimes I get reports of “raspberry cane borer” injury in early June. It doesn’t seem right, because raspberry…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Berry Crops Fact Sheet
Growing Fruit: Highbush Blueberries [fact sheet]
Highbush blueberries are a popular home garden fruit for both fresh and frozen use. They grow well throughout the southern half of New Hampshire and…
Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Blueberry Stem Borer [fact sheet]
Oberea myops Haldeman Blueberry stem borer is a beetle also known as the rhododendron stem borer and the azalea stem borer. It is in the family…
Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Agriculture & Gardens
Growing Vegetables In Containers [fact sheet]
Growing vegetables in containers is an enjoyable and easy way of producing fresh food in limited space. Containerized plants can be kept indoors in…
Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Identifying Choke Cherry: A Source of X Disease [fact sheet]
Choke cherry identification is important for peach and sweet cherry growers. This is because choke cherry (Prunus virginiana L.) is important in…
Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Agriculture & Gardens
Using Traps to Monitor Blueberry Fruit Fly in New Hampshire [fact sheet]
Blueberry fruit fly, Rhagoletis mendax  Curran is a native insect that looks almost identical to apple maggot, except that it attacks blueberries,…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Berry Crops Fact Sheet
Pruning Tomato Plants [fact sheet]
Why prune tomatoes? Pruning, or selectively removing some of the tomato plant growth, can improve harvestable yields and prolong the harvest…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Yard & Garden vegetable crops Fact Sheet
How Insecticides Work [fact sheet]
The variety of insecticides available today is much greater than it was 20 years ago. It includes some made from bacteria, insect-killing fungi or…
Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Pesticide Safety Education Agriculture & Gardens
Soil Testing for Environmental Contaminants - Interpreting Your Heavy Metals Test Results [fact sheet]
What Are Heavy Metals? Heavy metals are a class of elements that include lead, copper, arsenic, and cadmium, and can be toxic to humans and plants…
Agriculture & Gardens, Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Soil Testing Services Agriculture & Gardens