a hemlock branch infested with hemlock woolly adelgid

Landowners and natural resources professionals have spent many years worrying about the hemlock woolly adelgid. They have diligently looked for and reported the invasive insect. They complied with the quarantine and followed best management practices to prevent the spread of the pest. The quarantine has been effective in that hemlock woolly adelgid has not spread through infested nursery stock or forest products—but times change.

Unfortunately, the insect is still spreading throughout New Hampshire. It has been found in 120 towns and every county except Coös. So, how is it still spreading if not through nursery stock and forest products? It primarily moves by wind and wildlife.

The state of New Hampshire recently decided to eliminate the quarantine for hemlock woolly adelgid. State regulators reasoned that movement of the insect by wind and wildlife cannot be addressed through a quarantine. The state will continue to work with the nursery industry to inspect hemlock trees. The sale and movement of infested nursery stock will still be prohibited.

Landowners can help to prevent the hemlock woolly adelgid from spreading further. Ask the professionals you work with if they follow these best management practices:

  • Completely delimb all hemlock roundwood.
  • Power wash all equipment between jobs at sites where hemlock was harvested.
  • Consider documenting your use of BMPs with a compliance agreement with the N.H. Division of Forests and Lands.

Find more hemlock woolly adelgid resources at https://nhbugs.org/hemlock-woolly-adelgid.
