The 2019 NH Coverts Project Workshop was held May 15-18 in Greenfield, NH. There were twenty-four attendees from all over New Hampshire who spent three and a half days learning about wildlife habitat, forest ecology, conservation, stewardship, and outreach. The new group of Coverts volunteers includes landowners, conservation commission members, conservation organization staff, interested citizens, and educators, among others. Here's a brief introduction to the new Coverts volunteers from the 2019 workshop:

(pictured above, left to right)

Check out Scenes from the 2019 Coverts Project Workshop!

Alayna Signorello from Jefferson plans to talk to her fellow teachers about incorporating citizen science, outdoor learning, and environmental science as opportunities for hands-on learning in their schoolyard.

Alisha DiMasi from Lyndeborough plans to inventory the status of green burial on conservation lands in New Hampshire.

Alison Scheiderer from Epsom wants to incorporate information and resources into her work training volunteers to monitor conservation easements.

Rebecca Scott from Hampton plans to use her new knowledge and resources in her work as land steward for two properties in New Hampshire.

Beth Ann Corwin from Peterborough wants to explore solutions to and raise awareness of the impact of rogue mountain bike trails on wildlife habitat in her area.

Cathy Phillips from Boston wants to research and inventory natural resources on the island camp in New Hampshire where she spends summers.

Katy Wardlaw from Dublin wants to create early-successional habitat on her property.

Dani Almeida from Haverhill, MA plans to offer workshops for landowners involved with Southeast Land Trust (where she works) that demonstrate good stewardship.

Don Kollisch from Hanover plans to join the Balch Hill Stewardship Committee of the Hanover Conservancy.

George Rollend from Amherst plans to reach out to and potentially join his town’s conservation commission.

Joseph Miller from North Haverhill plans to survey his property for invasives.

Julie Brown from Alton Bay wants to participate in the Speaking for Wildlife program.

Mike Thomas from Deering plans to use the concepts he’s learned in his work as a land trust board member to more effectively evaluation conservation priorities.

Mark Kaplan from Boscawen plans to walk his property with his county forester and take steps to implement at least one management action for wildlife.

Linda Clark from Webster plans to work on pollinator gardens outside the library and elementary school in her town.

Megan Glenn from Portsmouth hopes to start a community conversation in her neighborhood about how they can collectively help wildlife.

Melanie Kerr from Sugar Hill plans to add interpretive signs to the existing trail at a local conservation property.

Michael Swisher from Merrimack hopes to incorporate wildlife and habitat information into his fiction writing as a way to reach more people.

Pam Avery from Francestown hopes to update maps and information for their 7 town forests and lead walks on each property.

Richard Pendleton from Peterborough plans to use the information and resources from the training in his work as board chair of the Harris Center for Conservation Education.

Sara Munroe from Exeter wants to participate in invasive plant workdays and provide more education around invasives in her area.

Susan Goodwin from Wolfeboro plans to talk to her neighborhood association about managing land for wildlife.

Vicki Brown from East Kingston plans to collaborate with neighboring towns to develop conservation priorities based on wildlife habitat.

Vivian Winterhoff from Bethlehem wants to get involved with her town’s conservation commission.

Scenes from the 2019 Coverts Project Workshop 
