Fun ways to be healthy and stay active at home!
The public health concern caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is on everyone’s mind. With the recent school closings and social distancing measures, many of us will be spending more time at home. Fortunately, there are many great resources at hand to keep families healthy and active during this period!
- UNH Extension, Nutrition Connections: This webpage has six fun nutrition activities for young children, such as “Follow the Red Pepper,” that will keep them engaged and get everyone moving!
- 4-H Healthy Living Activity Guide: This guide offers a variety of activities around food and nutrition, mindfulness, physical activity and more. Celebrate spring by starting a “Mason Jar Herb Garden” or take a family “Penny Walk” in your yard!
- Choose MyPlate: At “MyPlate Kids Place” you will find activity sheets, songs, recipe videos and games to keep children engaged. There are some great kid-friendly snack ideas, like frozen fruit cups, that children can help prepare! Check out where you can build your own cookbook, create a customized MyPlate Plan for you and your family and download the new MyPlate app!
- Nourish Interactive: This nutrition education platform provides coloring and activity sheets, games, parent resources, recipes and more!
- Fight Bac! Partnership for Food Safety and Education: Here you can find some great tips on how to practice proper handwashing! Check out the kids’ page to access interactive games, like the Scrub Club, and coloring sheets.