Michael Mengers takes the helm on April 6.

Michael Mengers

Vice Provost of Outreach and Engagement and UNH Extension Director Ken La Valley has named Michael Mengers the Director of Professional Development and Training (PD&T). Mengers will lead the 14 person PD&T team as it serves individuals, businesses, schools and organizations in New Hampshire and surrounding regions by offering a wide range of professional development opportunities.

Mengers began work at PD&T in 2016 as a program developer where he managed and designed over 100 onsite and online professional development trainings, workshops, conferences, boot camps, and certificate programs. He specialized in business and industry topics including leadership & management, project management, supervisory skills, marketing and sales, computer & technology, drone/UAV operation, communication skills, coding and coaching. In the last eight months, he oversaw the entire PD&T marketing and program efforts. 

In addition to his PD&T work, Mengers taught for five years as an adjunct lecturer for the UNH recreation management & policy department. He was previously the Community Events Director for the Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce and Parks & Recreation Director for the Town of Durham.

"Michael has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the PD&T mission and to UNH. He’s successfully implemented advanced and effective strategies, taking the organization to a new level. I am confident that under his leadership, PD&T will continue to be a critical resource for New Hampshire's workforce."  - Ken La Valley