• Empty plate with the word hunger across it

September is Hunger Action Month™—Feeding America’s annual, nationwide campaign is designed to inspire people to take action in fighting hunger and raising awareness of hunger in the United States.

According to Feeding America 2020 data, about 94,450 people are facing hunger in New Hampshire, 24,360 being children. In New Hampshire, it’s estimated that people facing hunger need about $54,390,000 more per year to meet their food needs. In 2020, the average cost of a meal was $3.58. It is estimated that families will spend about 10% more in the year 2022 for their groceries. Nationally, the cost of meat, poultry, fish, and eggs has increased by 13.7%.

With these increases in food prices and other household costs, more and more people may need assistance in putting food on their tables. Help your local community by donating your time, donating food or money to a local food pantry, soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Did you know that some of the food pantries except fresh produce? You can even donate extra vegetables from your own garden! No effort is too small in the fight to end hunger in America.

The New Hampshire Food Bank has a list of various events that will be happening throughout the month of September for individuals to take part in. They also have a calendar titled, “30 Ways in 30 Days,” which has a different way you can take part in fighting hunger every day. You can pick and choose which ones you are able to take part in!

Visit our New Hampshire Food Support website to find food and other resources that support you in eating well no matter your budget!

For nutritious, and low-cost recipe ideas, browse through the variety of recipes we have from beverages, sides, entrees, soups, slow cooker and even desserts. Find recipes in both English and in Spanish. Some of our participants that have participated in our programs have really enjoyed the Tex-Mex Skillet and the Spanish Rice recipes. We hope you find a new family favorite to add to your recipe list.

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Administrative Assistant for Health & Well-Being Team, Bookkeeper
Phone: (603) 255-3556 ext. 801
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall Rm 119, Durham, NH 03824