• Ray Berthiaume headshot

Ray Berthiaume is the new Extension field specialist for Natural Resources in Coös County. Berthiaume comes to Extension with over 30 years of forestry experience and a degree in forest engineering. As a long-time forester in Coös County, he has many connections and instant credibility with his fellow forestry professionals. He is also committed to the forestry profession, serving on forestry committees and associations both regionally and nationally. In his role as an industrial forester, Berthiaume has worked with NH Fish and Game and the Wildlife Management Institute to implement many habitat management projects for woodcock and shrubland wildlife in the North Country.

Learn more about Berthiaume in this interview: In the Woods with Ray Berthiaume.


Natural Resources Program Team Leader
Phone: (603) 862-3397
Office: UNH Cooperative Extension Natural Resources, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824