Learn how to create your own garden space with this Victory Garden Toolkit!

  • Garden with vegetables, herbs and flowers.

Have you ever thought about starting a home or community garden? There are so many reasons and benefits to growing your own food, but many people have questions about the “how to” or feel overwhelmed by getting started. Let’s “dig in” a bit deeper and explore the reasons why you may want to get a garden started this season.

First, what tastes better than fresh fruits and vegetables? So much of what we purchase at the grocery store has traveled hundreds of miles before it arrives at our market. Think about how it would feel to walk outside your home and pick fresh lettuce or cucumbers this summer? You could brag to your family and friends that the salad you're eating came from your own garden!! It couldn’t get any fresher than that.

Second, gardening can be a fun, social, and active experience. If you’re looking to get your family outdoors and involved in a project or get together with your friends and neighbors more frequently, having a garden where you can get your hands dirty and learn together can be a lot of fun. You can set times when you’ll gather in the garden together or split up tasks and allow for everyone to feel like they’ve contributed to the outcome- the “fruits” of your labor!

If this blog has planted the seed for you and you want to explore more about what a Victory Garden is and how you and your community can benefit, we invite you to check out this new toolkit created by Feed Kearsarge and the Kearsarge Food Hub in partnership with UNH Extension. You can find the toolkit here: kearsargefoodhub.org/gardening-resources. This toolkit includes tips on how to get your garden started and how to keep it growing!

Got questions about your garden? Don’t forget to check out UNH Extension’s Yard and Garden resources!

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Health & Well-Being Field Specialist
Extension Field Specialist, Health & Well-Being
Phone: (603) 255-3556 ext. 809
Office: UNH Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824