She will focus on recruiting, training and retaining Infoline Extension volunteers throughout New Hampshire

  • Danielle Albano headshot

Danielle Albano has joined UNH Extension’s Food and Agriculture team as Education Center volunteer program manager. She earned a BA in cultural anthropology and sociology, alongside minors in peace & justice and French from Saint Michael’s College. After graduating in 2018, she later served as an agriculture food security Peace Corps volunteer in Nepal. Giving back to the community continues to be of the utmost importance. In her spare time, Albano dedicates volunteer hours as a NH Master Gardener and NH Audubon volunteer.

Albano brings a unique professional background, with a strong passion in the green industry, to Extension. A few of her previous roles include: garden co-manager at Sycamore Community Garden, garden and community outreach supervisor at Blue Seal Feeds and annuals and perennials supervisor at Springlook Farm. In these roles, Albano emphasized the importance of listening to local community members’ needs in relation to agriculture in order to better serve both the community and environment.

Her work at the Education Center will heavily focus on recruiting, training and retaining Infoline Extension volunteers throughout the state. As part of her responsibilities, she will also work on increasing overall engagement, awareness and accessibility in these unique volunteer opportunities.

“UNH Extension is a fantastic organization and I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the team,” says Albano. “I look forward to supporting the Education Center and Extension as a whole to provide the best possible service to local community members throughout the state. I am eager to work alongside UNH Extension volunteers to address community members’ questions and concerns in regards to local agriculture via the Infoline.” 

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Extension Field Specialist, Pesticide Safety Education
Phone: (603) 351-3831
Office: UNHCE Education Center, 88 Commercial Street, Manchester, NH 03101