Agriculture & Gardens

Alan Eaton has had a long and productive career with UNH Cooperative Extension, and as of December 2017, he has retired! We will all miss him enormous... Learn More
What is the most important thing you need to remember when pruning your fruit trees and bushes? The one thing you should most of all not forget? It is... Learn More
In New Hampshire, if you apply pesticides on crops for sale and you employ workers, you need a private pesticide applicator’s license. This is true wh... Learn More
Episode 5 - Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Episode 5 - Wednesday, February 14, 2018 Learn More
We depend on honey bees and other pollinating insects to pollinate many of our fruit and vegetable crops.  They also work their magic in natural ... Learn More
Tips for pruning fruiting plants including apples trees and blueberry bushes
Tips for pruning fruiting plants including apples trees and blueberry bushes Learn More
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Code is a model that local and state agencies nationwide use to protect the safety of foods served an... Learn More
The 2018 meeting of the NH Vegetable and Berry Growers' Association was co-sponsored by UNH Cooperative Extension, and took place in Manchester d... Learn More
UNH Cooperative Extension has been running the NH IPM (Integrated Pest Management) Program continually since 1978. With this program, Cooperative Exte... Learn More
The farmers market season unofficially begins on Mother’s Day weekend. If you're preparing to bring produce and products to market, you know your w... Learn More