Durham Campus

We are pleased to announce that in August, Kyle Hirshkind accepted a full-time position as a Program Developer with Professional Development & Tra... Learn More
Regardless of where you go, each and every community has its unique strengths and weaknesses and approaches opportunities and challenges differently. ... Learn More
Key to strong and informed decision making is community engagement and accurate data. Engaging your community helps to identify issues, opportunities ... Learn More
We are pleased to announce that Heidi Voltz will join our BSC staff on July 8th. Heidi grew up in New Hampshire and has lived in the Dover area for 25... Learn More
Schoolyard SITES fosters community-based science education through teacher-volunteer partnerships
Schoolyard SITES fosters community-based science education through teacher-volunteer partnerships Learn More
New member of the marketing and communications team will help lead storytelling efforts
New member of the marketing and communications team will help lead storytelling efforts Learn More
Students Working with Cooperative Extension on Applied Nature Economy Research Share Findings at Recent Undergraduate Research Conference (URC)
Students Working with Cooperative Extension on Applied Nature Economy Research Share Findings at Recent Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) Learn More
Copies of presentations from the March 22, 2019 Spring Landscape Conference, co-sponsored by Extension and the NH Landscape Association, are posted he... Learn More
On March 14th, we partnered with Plan NH to host a workshop on Nature & Economy at the Audubon Center in Concord, NH.  Forty planners, archit... Learn More
Students in multiple Rochester schools have taken on the roles of citizen scientists, thanks to a partnership with the University of New Hampshire’s Cooperative Extension and the Leitzel Center.
Students in multiple Rochester schools have taken on the roles of citizen scientists, thanks to a partnership with the University of New Hampshire’s C... Learn More