Forests and Trees

A NH Forest Products Markets Update webinar took place on August 29, 2023. Experts representing a range of New Hampshire Forest products markets spo... Learn More
Extension county foresters help citizens and landowners learn about and care for New Hampshire's forests, trees, wildlife and habitats. Because they'r... Learn More
Sharing the perspectives of women landowners and managers in New Hampshire as part of the Women in the Woods project.
Women in the Woods is a collaboration between UNH Cooperative Extension, NH Timberland Owners Association, the Society for the Protection of New Hamps... Learn More
With attention fully on pine and oak over the last couple of years, many foresters didn’t notice that eastern hemlocks were producing lots of seeds th... Learn More
Woodlot Wandering Series by Ray Berthiaume
We are now well on our way toward the winter season, and especially all of the holiday traditions. Shortly after Thanksgiving, many of us turn to tho... Learn More
How Can I Succeed with Orders from the NH State Forest Nursery?
Various websites, along with the State Forest Nursery, provide high quality information about specific species of trees and shrubs and their value for... Learn More
Trees Tell Their Stories Series
Hello everyone! We are now midway through October and hopefully enjoying the fall colors before they are gone for another year. Recently I was asked ... Learn More
Woodlot Wandering Series
Happy November everyone! Now that we are well into our fall season, and the weather has turned a bit cooler, our thoughts turn to heating for the up... Learn More
Trees Tell Their Stories Series
Howdy Folks, and welcome to late November! The leaves have changed color, and most have fallen, and the site of fresh snow on the ground sends many to... Learn More
Part of the "A Walk in the Woods" series
White pines are particularly sensitive to growing too close together. In a crowded stand of pine, the trees’ lower branches can’t survive in the deep ... Learn More