Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

The Joint Winter Meeting continues to be a great venue for learning, networking, meeting vendors and reconnecting with the Green Industries in New Ham... Learn More
Blackbirds and starlings can be a severe problem in sweet corn; the birds shred the husks and peck the kernels, rendering the ears unmarketable. Even ... Learn More
"What do we know about the seasonal biology and movement of spotted wing drosophila?" is scheduled for November 5, 2019 at 1pm EST.
"What do we know about the seasonal biology and movement of spotted wing drosophila?" is scheduled for November 5, 2019 at 1pm EST. Learn More
Training helps counselors understand the dangers of ticks
Training helps counselors understand the dangers of ticks Learn More
Brown marmorated stinkbug (BMSB) is an invasive insect species that is a major agricultural pests in many parts of the US but only occurs at low numbers in New Hampshire. Anna wants to know if BMSB problems are in our future and when we should freak out?
Brown marmorated stinkbug (BMSB) is an invasive insect species that is a major agricultural pests in many parts of the US but only occurs at low numbe... Learn More
Anna discusses the current situation with flies laying their eggs in blueberries with wild blueberry extension specialist, Lily Calderwood of UMaine.
Anna discusses the current situation with flies laying their eggs in blueberries with wild blueberry extension specialist, Lily Calderwood of UMaine. Learn More
Anna wonders aloud if we are currently in a golden age of striped cucumber beetle research and finds out about what’s going on down in South Carolina in the Blubaugh lab of Clemson University.
Anna wonders aloud if we are currently in a golden age of striped cucumber beetle research and finds out about what’s going on down in South Carolina ... Learn More
Cabbage aphid, sometimes called ‘gray aphid’ because of its’ waxy gray appearance, is a major pest of brassica crops. It has been particularly problem... Learn More
Yes, you read it correctly. If you have tomato leaf mold, Chris Smart and her team at Cornell are studying this pathogen; and she needs ... Learn More
Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) flies are being caught in traps in southern NH, ME, and elsewhere in New England in low numbers. As in recent ... Learn More