NH Vegetable & Fruit News

Registration is now open for the 2019 New England Vegetable & Fruit Conference and Trade Show. The event will take place December 10-12, 2019... Learn More
Are you a vegetable farmer already using tarps? Or are you wondering if and how tarps could work best on your farm? The Cornell Small Farms Program... Learn More
Cabbage aphid, sometimes called ‘gray aphid’ because of its’ waxy gray appearance, is a major pest of brassica crops. It has been particularly problem... Learn More
Yes, you read it correctly. If you have tomato leaf mold, Chris Smart and her team at Cornell are studying this pathogen; and she needs ... Learn More
Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) flies are being caught in traps in southern NH, ME, and elsewhere in New England in low numbers. As in recent ... Learn More
This pest of pumpkin and many squash varieties are now active in high numbers.
This pest of pumpkin and many squash varieties are now active in high numbers. Learn More
Find them when they are little before they do big damage!
Find them when they are little before they do big damage! Learn More
It's time for both berry and tree commercial fruit growers to collect leaf samples so a foliar (leaf) nutrient analysis can be made.  Measuring t... Learn More
Please respond to a survey from our colleagues at the Vermont Entomology Participatory Action Research Team (VEPART)

Please respond to a survey from our colleagues at the Vermont Entomology Participatory Action Research Team (VEPART) Learn More
Do you have pest problems with your Brassica crops? We can help. The Brassica Pest Collaborative (BPC) is a project funded by Northeast-SARE that brin... Learn More