Question of the Week

Exobasidium gall is a common and minor disease affecting rhododendron throughout New Hampshire and the Northeast
Exobasidium gall is a common and minor disease affecting rhododendron throughout New Hampshire and the Northeast, promoted by cool and wet weather dur... Learn More
Lupines are stunning, but there are important differences between sundial and bigleaf lupines
Bigleaf lupine and the related ornamental Russell hybrid were introduced to the northeast for both gardens and roadside stabilization in the early to ... Learn More
Aerial roots are a notable feature found in certain vining species
Aerial roots are a notable feature found in certain vining species, such as varieties of climbing, or winter creeper Euonymus (Euonymus fortunei). Unl... Learn More
Many varieties are prohibited by state regulation
Although gooseberries and currants can thrive in the short growing season and relatively mild climate of New Hampshire, it is important to know that m... Learn More
Question of the Week
The dandelion, often seen as a weed, is gaining recognition as a spring food source for pollinators. While dandelions provide nectar, they are not the... Learn More
Tips on keeping chickens warm and protected during cold months
Raising backyard chickens can be a rewarding experience for the whole family and it’s a great way to be more self-sufficient. They are relatively easy... Learn More
A Question of the Week
There are a few different reasons why you might not be seeing as many birds in your yard or at your feeder. Learn why and what you can do to help bird... Learn More
Winter temperatures can affect spring blooms
Many people have been wondering why blooming has seemed irregular or even absent this spring for some trees and shrubs, particularly forsythia and sto... Learn More
A Question of the Week
For many gardeners, pokeweed represents a conundrum. On the one hand, it’s a native plant that provides an important food source for songbirds. On the... Learn More
A Question of the Week
Even if choosing slow-release sources of Nitrogen and Potassium, fertilizer should be applied in the spring. In most New Hampshire soils, amendments c... Learn More