
I am frequently contacted by owners of agricultural businesses in the state and region who would like to hire UNH students. There are a few ways for y... Learn More
We're updating our survey on grapes grown in the state - please provide your info! Learn More
FDA Guidance for Industry No. 263 requires remaining over-the-counter medically important antibiotics to transition to prescription use beginning June... Learn More
Insects are crucial pollinators, decomposers, and are central to the food web. Instead of looking for ways to kill them, we can prioritize their well-... Learn More
So many of us are nostalgic about fireflies but don't see them anymore. A few changes in our landscape practices can support their return. Learn More
Campus Compact for New Hampshire celebrates engagement between campuses and communities
Malin Clyde is recognized with the Campus Compact for New Hampshire Presidents’ Good Steward Award for her work with volunteers, land and water stewar... Learn More
How mental health and brain health are connected
Understanding how mental health affects brain health Learn More
Sustainability Awards celebrate individuals and teams across UNH who are making a difference
The UNH Sustainability Awards program seeks to celebrate, spotlight and incentivize research and scholarship, curriculum development and teaching, cam... Learn More
National Pollinator Week is recognized every June
Pollinator Week 2023 is recognized June 19-25, 2023. There are many ways you can help pollinators in your garden. Learn More
Keep an eye out for EAB, from May 22—28 and beyond.
Keep an eye out for EAB, from May 22—28 and beyond. Learn More