Although the window has passed for seeding cover crops for this year, it's never too early to think about how you can use cover crops next growing season. Recently, Carroll County Extension Field Specialist Olivia Saunders caught up with Greg Balog of Heron Pond Farm, and with Wes Thomas and Kyle Lacasse from Moulton Farm, to talk with them about how they use cover crops. She captured their thoughts and expertise in some short Youtube videos, which you may find useful. Greg shared his experiences with a no-till seeded oat crop following corn at Heron Pond Farm; and Wes and Kyle discussed how they use cover crops at Moulton Farm, including the benefits they have observed and how they work to make time for planting cover crops.

These videos are part of recent efforts by The N.H. Cover Crops Team, which includes farmers, NRCS-USDA, the N.H. Association of Conservation Districts and UNH Cooperative Extension. They are a part of the We’ve Got It Covered campaign using field signs, blogs, and social media to recognize the farmers who plant cover crops — and encourage others to do the same.
