National Nutrition Month is an annual nutrition campaign from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign is celebrated each year during March.  It focuses on choosing healthy foods and regular physical activity.

National Nutrition Month in 2019 focuses on these key messages.

  1. Discover the benefits of a healthy eating style.
  2. Choose foods and drinks that are good for your health.
  3. Include a variety of healthy foods from all of the food groups.
  4. Select healthier options when eating away from home.
  5. Be mindful of portion sizes. Check sizes at MyPlate
  6. Keep it simple. Eating right doesn't have to be complicated.
  7. Make food safety part of your daily routine.
  8. Help to reduce food waste by looking at foods you have on hand before food shopping.
  9. Find activities that you enjoy and be physically active most days of the week.

Learn more about Healthy Lifestyles for Healthy Older Adults at

People of all ages need protein for strong, healthy bodies. Some older adults do not get the protein needed for muscle mass, infections, and recovery from an accident or surgery. If chewing protein foods is a problem, try these tips to increase your protein.

  • Enjoy More Beans. Add canned beans to salads, soups, rice dishes and casseroles.
  • Make Your Crackers Count. Spread peanut butter on whole-grain crackers for a snack.
  • Pump Up Your Eggs. Mix grated, low-fat cheese or extra whites into scrambled eggs.
  • Cook with Milk. Use fat-free or low-fat milk rather than water to make soup or oatmeal.
  • Use Dry Milk Powder. Mix a spoon of dry milk into fluid milk, cream soups and mashed potatoes.
